Title/Description/Link/Metadata/Created_at will not lt, -log-timestamp Suffix log-pinterest-downloader.log filename with Suffix board directory name with unique timestamp. c CUT, -cut CUT Specify maximum length of Specify maximum threads when downloading images.ĭefault is number of processors on the machine, d DIR, -dir DIR Specify folder path/name to store. h, -help show this help message and exit Username/boardname/section, or relevant link( /pin/ Path Pinterest username, or username/boardname, or Usage: pinterest-downloader.py ĭownload ALL board/section from 🅿️interest by username, username/boardname, Call the script and add the -co cookies.txt arguments to download your secret galleries Paste your token into a file called cookies.txt in the same directory where the pinterest-downloader is. Example usage: copy your token after login into Pinterest and with its tab selected by using this extension Get Token Cookie or a similar one of your choice. Secret boards can be downloaded only when downloading by user.

Can accept cookie (token) file in order to download with your account (useful for secret boards).Speed up existing folder update without re-fetch all pages.Unique board/log name with timestamp options.Log PinID, Title, Description, Link, Metadata, to log-pinterest-downloader.log file since media filename can't fit.fit maximum filename length automatically. With PinID, you can visit in web browser and get more details in log file (PinID without details will not log). Media Filename naming in PinID_Title_Description_.Ext meaningful form.Try second resolution if first resolution error. Able download sections of boards of username.Accept input of /username/, /username/boardname/, /username/boardname/section, pin/PinID.Download all images/videos from Pinterest user/board/section.